Sunday, December 26, 2010

Southpeak Prepares Us For Nail'd

Southpeak Games has prepared us with some Altitude Sickness Pills (spearmints) and the best yet is the White Knuckle Cream which actual says on it Relieves: uncontrollable fear, trepidation, timidity, hesitation, anxiety, abject consternation, uneasiness. While that statement gave me a laugh, the cream can actually be used for White Knuckle Syndrome stating The intensity of Naild forces you to grip the controller tighter, causing blood to flow away from the knuckles in fear. This is commonly know as ‘White Knuckle Syndrome. Apply a generous slathering of White Knuckle Cream to your affected knuckle region for higher scores, increased confidence and overall awesomeness. â€" Feel the intensity at As hilarious as this promotional cream is you can actually use it but the Altitude Sickness Pills clearly state DON'T EAT THE CREAM.