Speaking of the track design, it is definitely one of the high notes of nail'd. Techland has taken care to add a tremendous sense of verticality into each and every one of the game's 14 tracks (or 18 if you include the free on-disc DLC). This means that you'll spend up to 25% of your time airborne, avoiding hot air balloons and windmills thanks to in-air controls. These jumps become all the more awe inspiring thanks to the game's engine's ability to render the massive, beautiful vistas with ease. Once you hit the ground, the vertigo inducing moments doesn't stop as levels are peppered with moments, although this time it is as a result of driving straight down the side of a mountain or down a tree scattered forest. Add to this a pervading sense of claustrophobia, innumerable branches on any track, and occasional graphical effects that partially obscure your vision, and you have a game that forces you to stay continually tense lest you wreck into one of the many obstacles. Fortunately, once you crash, which you certainly will, the developers have ensured that it not will totally destroy your race through short respawn times and placing you actually ahead of where you wrecked. http://naildbiter.com/SyWPG