Monday, January 31, 2011

Spice Girl Mel B Tells =?unknown-8bit?Q?Ho?= =?unknown-8bit?Q?llyBaby_She'd_Love_To_Have_Another_Baby_=E2=80?= =?unknown-8bit?Q?=94?= And Soon!

The week the crew welcomes uber-gamer Sage into our gaming-loving family. The newly-formed quartet discusses the faults of Fable III and Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker as well as the strengths of several recent indie releases, all while one of the crew grinds through Prinny 2: Dawn of Operation Panties, Dood. We welcome returning guest Aubrey of SouthPeak Games, who discusses recent release nail'd as well as next month's tantalizing geekfest, Two Worlds II. It wouldn't be a show without controversy, and this week it erupts riotously during our trivia and mailbag sections.