Sunday, January 16, 2011

Review: nail'd

For those of you who don't know, nail'd is an offroad racer that is an alternate take on the MX vs ATV boasts to be the fastest racer on the market, and boy did they deliver. Nail'd runs RIDICULOUSLY fast as you're constantly flying through and maneuvering through jumps, twists, and turns that offer multiple paths on each racetrack. This is particularly interesting because it means that not every lap is the same standard path, which makes for a somewhat unique run each lap (similar to the way Split/Second works, only without the forced path changes) and that keeps the monotony from setting in so quickly. As with most racers, the game is played by lining up 12 participants (which you can select either ATV or MX/Dirtbike) and putting them in a fast and furious race to the finish. There are also other modifiers like unlimited boost or stunt races as well, but none of the gimmicks are any better/worse than a standard race.